Slot play will lower tax bills for Pa. homeowners by an average $200

HARRISBURG PATRIOTO-NEWS:   Thanks to people who visit the state’s casinos and play slots, homeowners will once again see a break on their school property taxes.

The amount of tax reduction homeowners will realize from this sixth distribution of slots proceeds for property tax relief varies by school district. It is based on a formula that favors districts with weaker tax bases, lower personal incomes and higher tax burdens.

Among 29 midstate school districts, the tax reductions will range from $53 in Palmyra Area School DIstrict to $416 in Harrisburg School Districts. The average is $167… (more)


1 Comment

  1. And again renters will be discriminated against by being denied this tax relief.

    In the case of Lancaster City that means less that half of the households will benefit from the slots tax break. Talk about a regressive tax!

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