Skimming scams: How to prevent crooks from stealing your money at the ATM

The following is excerpted from a posting on AOL.COM:

Robert Siciliano, the security consultant to and a frequent TV guest expert, offers up some tips on keeping your money yours when you withdraw it from a machine. The number one rule, he says, is don’t feel safe.

The following should be practiced at all times when you approach an ATM. Your savings depend on it.

  • Scan the machine to look for any devices on the face of it where you slide your card through. If anything looks out of place, says Siciliano, “grab it, pull on it, see if you can pull the face of the card slot off. If it’s protruding, chances are it’s an ATM skimmer.”
  • Look for small wireless cameras that are hidden. “If there’s a brochure holder protruding from the face of the ATM machine, see if there’s a camera in there. It could be recording your keystrokes.”
  • Watch out for a side view mirror that looks out of place. Mirrors are required by law so you can spot if someone is peeking over your shoulder, but an extra mirror can re-reflect your key strokes into the eyes of a thief.
  • Be mindful of disguised gizmos, such as an apparent stereo speaker that actually serves as a camera or mirror for the crooks.
  • Like a poker player protecting his hand, cover your PIN and type with your free hand to prevent spying. “Ninety-five percent of the time you’re going to be in good shape,” says Siciliano.
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