Six injured in hacking attack at Chinese station

USA TODAY: …The incident Tuesday forms the latest and apparently least deadly of a series of attacks against railway users in China. On March 1, a group armed with knives and short swords killed 29 people and injured 143 at Kunming Railway Station. Last week, 79 people were injured and three died at a railway station in Urumqi, capital of the northwest Xinjiang region, after a knife and bomb attack.

Authorities said those incidents were undertaken by religious extremists from Xinjiang, also the alleged home of the suspects in the Kunming terror attack, who sought independence for the desert-bound, resource-rich region, home to the mostly Muslim Uighur people. Uighur activists abroad say some Uighurs are driven to violence by repressive state policies that restrict their religion, language and culture.

Witnesses of the Kunming massacre told USA Today they were frustrated that some police officers who arrived at the scene appeared to await orders to fire, even as the attackers continued to spill blood… (more)
