Single payer rally in Harrisburg Tuesday morning

We are writing to all of our members in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states to encourage them to join us this Tuesday, October 20th as we gather in the Capitol Rotunda 100 North State Street, Harrisburg, PA for a rally from 10 AM to noon in support single payer health care in Pennsylvania and nationally.

Pennsylvania’s single payer movement is closer than ever to achieving its goal.  When Pennsylvania achieves single payer and demonstrates that it works, i.e. it covers everyone, reduces spending, is good for the economy and provides consumers with maximum choice, then the nation will follow.

Those who work on health care know that when Canada achieved its highly successful national health care program it first started in one province.  In the United States, one role states play is to be a laboratory for democracy.  States can test new policies and if they work other states or the nation can adopt them.  It is evident that the “reform” currently being debated in Congress will not solve America’s health problems — it will not cover everyone and will not reduce costs. New solutions are needed.  Pennsylvania is ready to lead the way.

So, please join us join us as we gather in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg for our Tuesday October 20th rally (10 AM to Noon).  For more information visit



  1. Another garbage entitlement program for the “do nothings”. NO!

  2. Sure, Anonymous, that person needing healthcare might be you or one of your relatives, or neighbors. In Pennsylvania, where we are working to transform health care from the mess it is today to a system that takes care of patients, people and providers, rather than a few money grabbers.

    So pardon me, Mr Anonymous for telling you that we are going to do this without you, and if you are ever in need of health care that won’t bankrupt you nor your family, the program will be there for you to serve you as well, regardless of your decidedly obstructionist position. What are you doing to correct the mess???

  3. It makes economic sense to go single payer and stop paying double for health care compared to all our global competitors. Only a socialist company needs a middleman.

  4. Pa every encouragement to you from Ohio. Keep on keeping on because you ARE doing the RIGHT THING despite detractors like MR ANONYMOUS above.

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