Siemens Abandons Nuclear Power

COUNTER PUNCH:  The just-announced decision by Siemens, a major player in the nuclear industry, to withdraw entirely from nuclear power is a significant declaration by a corporation about nuclear power and the world’s potential energy future.

“The chapter is closed for us,” Peter Loescher, chief executive of the Germany-based engineering group, said Sunday. “We are no longer going to participate in taking responsibility for building nuclear power stations or financing them.”

The Siemens decision follows that of the German government to, with the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant complex, abandon nuclear power—to close the nation’s 17 nuclear plants, all of which were built by Siemens—and pursue instead safe, clean, renewable energy led by solar, wind and geothermal…   (more)

EDITOR:   Because of the great responsibilities and emmense liabilitlies, any future development of atomic energy plants may need to be done by the government.  Nevertheless, nuclear energy may yet be indispensible if we are to meet the energy needs of the future.
