Shockingly left or Eisenhower Republican?

It is shocking to realize how radically left wing NewLanc is. One would think that someone who has benefited so handsomely from the free market system would do everything possible to support it. Instead, you regularly print letters like the above from an obviously unsuccessful and entitlement minded individual who wants mommy and daddy and everyone else to take care of him.

EDITOR: The Watchdog considers himself an Eisenhower Republican. Although one who preferred to work behind the scenes, President Dwight Eisenhower furthered civil rights even more so than his predecessor Harry Truman or his successor John Kennedy, was the prime force behind the Interstate highway sytem, appointed sensible federal judges, and riled against the military industrial complex.

We respectfully submit that is not the Watchdog that has moved radically to the left, it is the Republican Party that has moved radically to the right.

Lastly, we publish what is submitted so long as it is not defamatory, obviously mendacious, and ill willed. Often we do not agree but try to discipline ourselves from commenting. We invite…indeed we implore…those of opposing views to set forth their own ideas and beliefs.
