Sestak, McGinty, Fetterman take the gloves off in debate for Dems in Senate race

PHILLY.COM:   …Katie McGinty was the aggressor in trying to draw clear contrasts, quickly accusing front-runner Joe Sestak of supporting cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Sestak, a former Navy admiral and former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, said she was distorting his record and relying on negativity…

“Katie, you’re wrong – here’s why – you should remember, as I do as a Catholic, the Eighth Commandment,” [Sestak] said, citing the order to not bear false witness against a neighbor. He said he has publicly advocated that “we should never raise, never, the age for our seniors to retire.”…

[Braddock mayor John] Fetterman noted that McGinty pushed for just a $9 minimum while running for governor in 2014. “The cynic in me would suggest that [$15] probably polls better in 2016 than it did in 2014,” he said…  (more)







1 Comment

  1. [Sestak] said TriCare helped his daughter. TriCare is a military service related healthcare system. He supports Obama Care (as do I) because it does a lot of what TriCare did for his family. This is a very honorable man and I’m really annoyed with the Democratic “leadership” over this.

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