Sestak Leads Specter for First Time in Pennsylvania Senate Race


As the days tick down to Pennsylvania’s May 18 primary, Rep. Joe Sestak has edged ahead of Sen. Arlen Specter for the first time in the race for the Democratic senate nomination, according to a Muhlenberg College/Daily Call tracking poll conducted May 4-7. The margin of error is 5 points.

Sestak is now in front by 44 percent to 42 percent with 14 percent undecided. When the tracking poll began on May 2, Specter had led 48 percent to 42 percent with 11 percent undecided.

Specter’s favorability numbers have gone down somewhat since the start of the tracking poll. He now is seen favorably by 54 percent and unfavorably by 34 percent with 13 percent not sure…

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