Sestak announces early Senate campaign, solidifies Democratic gubernatorial field

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: In an unexpected announcement that essentially sets the Democratic field for the 2014 governor’s race, former U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak said Tuesday he plans to challenge U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey in 2016.

But, as is his fashion, Sestak remained cagey about his definitive intentions, only saying in a news release that he’d launched a new website, posted a new video, and filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission for the “Friends of Joe Sestak” campaign fund…

“There’s no doubt that at least for the near term this solidifies our [governor’s] race in the primary,” said Kevin Washo, the past executive director of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “It gets the question answered about what Joe’s going to do, takes that of the table, and now people can focus on running their own campaign.”… (more)

EDITOR: Admiral / Congressman Joe Sestak: The highly qualified and popular candidate who chose not to be governor. Tom Corbett must be rejoicing. He just got a new lease on the governor’s mansion.
