Sergeant’s Wife Kept a Blog on the Travails of Army Life

NEW YORK TIMES:  She detailed her pregnancy, with her husband a world away. She described the knot she got in her stomach from missing him. She wrote of her disappointment after he was passed over for a promotion,..

But mostly, Karilyn Bales — the wife of Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, the soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan villagers last week — relayed the simple anguish of life as a military spouse, tending to a home with two young children, with a husband summoned for repeated deployments.

“Bob left for Iraq this morning,” she wrote in her family blog on Aug. 9, 2009. “Quincy slept in our bed last night.” …  (more)

EDITOR:  The underclass fights the war; the rest of us aren’t subject to a draft and don’t even have to pay higher taxes to cover war expenses.  Talk about atrocities!
