Sen. Chris Coons Calls For A Change Of Strategy In Afghanistan

HUFFPOST:   Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) is calling for a change of strategy in Afghanistan, arguing the current course is unsustainable and the military needs to refocus its efforts on a counterterrorism approach.

In an op-ed running on Wednesday in the Wilmington, Del., News Journal, Coons says the July drawdown should be “the beginning of a new, more targeted counter-terrorism strategy that more wisely focuses our military and diplomatic resources on defending America’s security interests.”

“This was not an easy place for me to come to,” said Coons in an interview with The Huffington Post. “I support our troops, I support our commander in chief — it is not easy to disagree with their current strategy. There are lots of very dedicated, very determined, very capable men and women serving us in Afghanistan who really want the opportunity to prove that this current strategy can work. I just hear broad skepticism at home that another few years at 100,000 troops and more than $100 billion a year is going to change the outcome.” …  (more)
