Dear Editor,
My name is Ronald B. Sultzbach. I am writing this article in concurrence with my business partner Michael Weiler. We are the co-directors of the Atlantic Coast Patriots minor league football organization. (non-profit)
The purpose of this communication is bring light to some facts. And hopefully answers to some questions.
In 2006 I started the Atlantic Coast Patriots organization. My goal was to bring affordable sports entertainment to Lancaster PA. I felt it would be a great compliment to the exsisting baseball team. The Patriots joined the newly formed spring minor league (East Coast Football Alliance). The league consists of 20 teams on the east coast. The Patriots are the only team in PA.
I contacted JP McCaskey and they said we could not play there. It would damage the field. I was surprised at the answer and moved on…..We played our first season at Hershey Park Stadium and paid in full approximately 25,000 dollars in field rent and had a .500 season. In the off season we had to find another field.
The weather in the spring caused risk to us. If it rained or snowed it would crush our 400-500 fan draw. And with that level of rent, we could not risk it again.
In January 2007 , we contacted McCaskey again with the same request….. and got the same answer –NO ! Surprisingly, Millersville university and Hempfield high school was in favor of the football in their community.
Now I understand that McCaskey does not have an all weather field. Our pockets were deep enough to cover any field wear and tear, not to mention – we have insurance that covers our football events. Also we can re-schedule if weather is obstacle on certain game dates.
Again, we got a couple hundred fans for our 6 home games this season. We are non-profit and McCaskey sits in the core of the city. Our business plan reflected many benefits to the community.
In the 2007 campaign we posted a 9-3 record.
We have many JP McCaskey athletes on our team and college grads from the Lancaster -Lebanon football league. I went to Wickersham, Lincoln, McCaskey (88′) and Stevens State School of Technology. So, I understand the landscape of the city and the challenges to the community.
My co-director Mike Weiler also graduated from McCaskey in 1989.
We are very passionate about this effort. I am a financial professional and Mike is an electrician/ machine maintenance mechanic. He also heads up the Penn Manor Junior football and cheerleading program (director).
I played quarter back at McCaskey and Stevens Tech as well as 15 yrs of Minor league football exp. as a player and head coach.
I understand that football alone will not drive the business . Since the players are not compensated and not NFL caliber skill level across the board. Our community efforts in the off season will earn the respect and credibility needed to fill the stadium every Sunday at 2pm in the spring. Listed below are some of the community efforts by the Patriots.
Lancaster Rec- kids football camp- fall 2006
Fundraising effort- Lancaster City Fire Dept- Statue fund (donation table)
Fundraising effort – Lancaster City Fire Dept – flag football game ( statue fund)
Rocky Springs Bowling fundraiser (monthly) -statue fund
Veterans recognition- at all home games.
VFW support efforts
Most recently- Military appreciation night (concert ) Mountville PA
See pictures on homepage of our website!
717 629-1692 for questions.
I plan on going to the Lancaster School District board meeting on September 16th.
at 7pm ……… present my offer to
them and bypass the High School……….since they don’t have a Athletic Director now.