SCOTUS Rejects Challenge to CO Marijuana Legalization

DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE:  Today, the United States Supreme Court rejected Nebraska’s and Oklahoma’s misguided effort to undo Colorado’s marijuana legalization law!

Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt filed suit against Colorado, claiming that federal marijuana prohibition preempts state law. The federal government filed a brief urging the high court to reject the case, and today the Supreme Court refused to hear the case by a 6-2 margin.

If this suit had proceeded it would have been a grave threat to the legalization laws in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska, and a discouragement to states voting on legalization this November.

The refusal to hear this case is a big win for our movement, and another step towards ending the prohibition of marijuana for good. Today, the United States Supreme Court rejected Nebraska’s and Oklahoma’s misguided effort to undo Colorado’s marijuana legalization law!

Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt filed suit against Colorado, claiming that federal marijuana prohibition preempts state law. The federal government filed a brief urging the high court to reject the case, and today the Supreme Court refused to hear the case by a 6-2 margin.

If this suit had proceeded it would have been a grave threat to the legalization laws in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska, and a discouragement to states voting on legalization this November.

The refusal to hear this case is a big win for our movement, and another step towards ending the prohibition of marijuana for good.
