Scott Martin’s altruism needs await the ‘next world’

 In response to county employees voting to be unionized, County Commissioners chair Scott Martin is quoted by the Intelligencer Journal New Era as follows:

“I always hate to see employees have to pay 1 to 2 percent of their salary in dues to get exactly what other employees already get,” Martin said.

Pardon us if we scoff. We live in a world where people have to look after our own interests, not depend on the good will and generosity of others. Without unions or a threat of unions, there would be little means, especially in difficult times such as today, for the interests of employees to be asserted.

The fact that county employees are now unionized should alert municipalities and private sector employers what is in offing if they do not keep pay and benefits at least aligned with those of unionized entities.

We woud be happy not to have to deal with a union at one of our hotels. But we also recognize that if there were no unions that employees in surrounding hotels would likely receive even more meager pay and benefits.
