Schwartz relinquishes leadership role with controversial think tank

HARRISBURG PATRIOT NEWS: Presumptive Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner Allyson Schwartz, who defiantly clung to a centrist group that criticized the emerging vein of progressive economic equality dogma in the party, has reversed herself and this week cut ties with the organization…

In early December, Third Way targeted newly elected U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in a Wall Street Journal op-ed for promoting “economic populism” that would be “disastrous for Democrats.”

Within the state, gubernatorial nomination rival John Hanger blasted Third Way’s attack on Warren and de Blasio “misguided and unacceptable,” and called for Schwartz to back away from the group… (more)


1 Comment

  1. I see it’s time for the wolf to dawn a sheep skin and try an fool the voters. I look for the Republican Party to tie Allyson to the Gosnell abortion clinic to which her organization referred patients. Elephants have long memories.

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