Schwartz, McCord plot ‘ground game’ to thwart Wolf’s aura of inevitability

PENN LIVE …Tom Wolf got where he is in the race by an extraordinarily expensive and well-timed series of television commercials.

Each of the other candidates has more actual experience in government and politics.

Schwartz and McCord, seasoned politicians both, are touting their “ground game” – the less glitzy but arguably more important organizational machines they’ve put together to ensure Democrats actually vote… (more)

EDITOR: We lament that Joe Sestak declined to be a candidate for governor. This opened the door for relative new comer Tom Wolf to lay out over five million dollars to buy an early and perhaps unsurmountable lead in the campaign against several rivals. We doubt that he would have opposed Sestak or, if he had, would be in a lead among those likely to go to the polls.

Perhaps Schwartz or McCord at this late date might consider withdrawing in favor of the other in order to top a Wolf nomination. To decide, they could flip a coin. We will gladly supply the coin.
