Saudi Arabia sends tanks to Bahrain / reader comment


Saudi Arabia is sending some 30 tanks for Bahrain which were sighted late Monday along the King Fahd causeway linking the two countries, witnesses say.

The greedy selfish Saudi Kings will end up hiding in the U.S

As we all know Saudi Arabia is ruled by one of the most conservative, backward, ignore ant and greedy kings on earth. A country where women are not allowed to drive or study, a place where people are forced to pray five times a day, while the Kings travel to Europe and the U.S to get laid, have fun and drink all cohort. In a few words they are nothing but a bunch of LEECHES living the high life at the expense of everyday people which are kept in poverty and squalor to benefit the wealthy few and those well connected with the government. Please Bare in mind that Europe and the U.S in particular have been supporting these kings since the end of world war two when Roast Bell travelled to the region, in order to secure unimpeded access to oil. Since then the U.S played a blind eye on Saudi policies like the support of the TALL EBB BAN in the eighties to fight against the former Soviet Union, Washington foe at the time. SHAME ON U.S AND E.U DOUBLE MORAL STANDARDS. DECEIVERS LIARS PLUNDERERS

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EDITOR: Comment is from Aljazeera reader.
