Saudi Arabia launches heavy strikes in Yemen

Saudi Arabia heavily bombed neighboring Yemen Thursday, targeting strategic areas of the capital, including the airport, rebel bases, and the presidential palace, as well as military installations held by rebels around the country…

[Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir] said the airstrikes began at 7 p.m. Washington time and were conducted by Saudi Arabia along with “partner nations in the Persian Gulf” and others, although he declined to specify any other participants. He said that some countries had already transferred military assets to Saudi Arabia and that others were on their way.

The United States was not involved in the operation, he said. But the White House announced late Wednesday that President Obama had authorized U.S. forces¬ to provide logistical and intelligence support to the operation. American forces were establishing a “Joint Planning Cell” with Saudi Arabia to coordinate military and intelligence assistance, the statement said… (more)

EDITOR: Typical of President Obama’s foreign policy. We help others to help themselves. We don’t do it for them.
