Sarah Palin Out At Fox News

HUFFINGTON POST:  Sarah Palin has parted ways with Fox News, multiple outlets wrote on Friday…

A “source close to Palin” told RCP that she had turned down a new offer. Fox News merely told the New York Times in a statement that it wished her the best.

The news is not very surprising, but it does highlight, as much as anything, Palin’s diminished relevance. Reports about the increasingly icy relationship between Palin and Fox News CEO Roger Ailes have been circulating for years. He has mocked her in public, and is said to have privately labeled her “stupid.” Meanwhile, her public profile has waned as the years since her bid for the vice presidency grind on…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. As I understand it Palen was prohibited from other venues while under contract to Fox and given Fox’s domination of cable news maybe she is seeking other freelance venues as opposed to a steady paycheck. But really, does anyone care? Yes they do, the ones who fear her.

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