Sarah Palin: “Jerry Sandusky Should ‘Hang From The Highest Tree'”

From the HUFF POST:

…Santorum had said that Penn State should not be allowed to play in a bowl game this year. Palin responded:

“I would like to see the players not suffer more than they have suffered. As for the perp, and perps, though, that allowed the sinfulness to go on as they had allowed in the past, you know, I say about this assistant coach, Sandusky–hang him from the highest tree, I’ll bring the rope. I think it’s pathetic, it’s horrible, it’s atrocious what took place. If it is true that these children were victimized, then he himself and anybody who allowed what he did to go on, they should be the one to suffer, not today’s young players who have been innocent in all of this.” …

“Hang him from the highest tree and I’ll bring the rope if he’s guilty of what’s been alleged,” Palin said, adding that if Sandusky were found to have abused children, “he needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: If Sandusky is guilty and should be hung “from the highest tree”, what would the appropriate penalty be for the law enforcement officials at the highest levels that failed to take appropriate action for year after year?  Sandusky is accused of raping the boy.   They raped the trust of the public.

Governo Tom Corbett was the state’s attorney general for eight of the last nine years, includnig when Center County District Attorney Ray Gricar was likely murdered.  What did he know, when did he know it, and what did he do about it?
