Santorum to win Alabama, Mississippi

CNN (11 PM):  Rick Santorum will win Tuesday night’s Alabama and Mississippi GOP presidential primaries, CNN projects — a blow to Newt Gingrich, who had hoped to win another state in his home region, and a retort to Mitt Romney, who earlier in the day said Santorum’s campaign was reaching a “desperate end.”

With 96% of the vote counted in Mississippi, Santorum had 33%. Newt Gingrich was at 31%, Romney at 30% and Ron Paul at 4%.

In Alabama, with 79% of the vote counted, Santorum led with 35%, followed by Gingrich at 30%, Romney at 28% and Paul at 5%…

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EDITOR: Santorum may have won the bragging rights, but otherwise these are Pyrrhic victories since the delegates are distributed roughly in proportion to the vote since no candidate achieved 50%.
