Santorum: Might As Well Have Obama Over Romney

HUFFINGTON POST:   Presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Thursday said Republicans should give President Barack Obama another term if Santorum isn’t the GOP nominee and for a second day compared rival Mitt Romney to an Etch A Sketch toy.

Santorum reiterated an argument he has made before: The former Massachusetts governor is not conservative enough to offer voters a clear choice in the fall election and that only he can provide that contrast.

“You win by giving people a choice,” Santorum said during a campaign stop in Texas. “You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who’s just going to be a little different than the person in there.”…   (more)

EDITOR:   And with that may have gone the possibility of the vice-presidential nomination.  Of does it make it essential for a wounded  Romney to draw him onto the ticket?
