Safety group seeks ignition interlocks for all DUI offenders

USATODAY: … The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), which studied driver records in Washington before and after that state began requiring the devices for all DUI offenders, said Tuesday that requiring interlocks for all convicted drunken drivers reduces the likelihood that they will become repeat offenders.

“An interlock law that covers all people convicted of DUI reduces recidivism by 11-12%,” said Anne McCartt, IIHS vice president for research and chief author of the study. “We found that the higher the rate of interlock installations, the lower recidivism would be.”

The Insurance Institute said its findings should encourage more states to mandate interlocks for anyone convicted of drunken driving. Currently, 15 states have such a law. Seven states — Florida, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin — are considering enacting it….  (more)

EDITOR:  Why not sensors that would detect excessive alcohol for anyone in the front seat of a car?

