Ryan In for Speaker, With Conditions

DAILY BEAST: …[Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan] told the fractured House Republican conference Tuesday evening that he would seek the top spot in the House of Representatives only if he received the endorsement of the three largest GOP groups—the Freedom Caucus, the Republican Study Committee, and the Tuesday Group. The former vice-presidential nominee’s move puts the onus especially on the conservative Freedom Caucus, which has been a thorn in the side of House leadership, and said he would make his decision by Friday.

“Congressman Ryan has said he’s willing to serve if he can be the choice of all three wings of the Republican Party,” Rep. Darrell Issa told the press outside the closed-door meeting. Applause could be heard outside the room when Ryan indicated his willingness to run for speaker.

According to sources inside the room, Ryan told the House Republicans that he didn’t want to be the “third log on the bonfire”—a reference to the conservative efforts to burn Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy—and that he’s willing to “take arrows in the chest, but not in the back.” … (more)
