NEWSMAX: …Russian President Vladimir Putin and his cabal have constructed a massive propaganda machine worthy of the infamous Nazi German propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Piece by piece, the independent media has been dismantled and its former owners, managers and news personalities cowed into submission. By contrast, the official state media enjoys a massive budget to fulfill its mandate to broadcast the Kremlin message.
That message is simple: Only a resurgent Russia led by Putin, and purged of its internal “traitors” can defend its people against a rapacious and evil West led by the archenemy America.
In some respects, this isn’t a new message. Anti-Americanism was standard fare under the Soviet regime after all, with Soviet newspapers and television routinely portraying America as a crypto-fascist capitalist regime that oppressed both the world and its own citizens… (more)
EDITOR: As readers of Slava Tsukerman’s columns at NewsLanc are already aware, Putin is feeding raw meat to an utra-nationalistic population that is eager to believe the worse of the USA and the West.