Russia urges Ukraine to postpone presidential elections

FINANCIAL TIMES: Russia has called for a planned presidential elections at the end of the month in Ukraine to be postponed as the death toll from the crackdown on pro-Russian groups in the east of the country increased.
Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, said it would be “unusual” to hold a vote while the military was deployed against civilians. He also rejected the idea of holding another round of international talks on the crisis in Ukraine, saying it would be like “going round in circles” unless representatives of the pro-Russian group were also invited.

Earlier on Tuesday Andriy Deshchytsia, Ukraine’s acting foreign minister, said he would only back further international talks aimed at de-escalating the growing tension in the country if Russia backed the presidential elections planned for later this month.

Earlier on Tuesday Andriy Deshchytsia, Ukraine’s acting foreign minister, said he would only back further international talks aimed at de-escalating the growing tension in the country if Russia backed the presidential elections planned for later this month… (more)
