Russia and Greece pledge to ‘restart and revive’ relations

FINANCIAL TIMES: …[Greek prime minister Alexis ] Tsipras’s visit, just a day before Greece was due to make a €450m payment to the International Monetary Fund, and his criticism of EU sanctions against Russia, had triggered speculation that Moscow could help bail out Athens in exchange for support in blocking an extension of anti-Russian sanctions.

But while the Greek prime minister repeated his criticism of sanctions, he also appeared to reassure fellow EU members over fears that Greece could break ranks. He said that while Greece was seeking to build “relations of confidence and trust with the Russian Federation”, it remained an EU member and was “complying with all the commitments we have made to the EU”.

[Russian president Vladimir] Putin also dismissed the idea that Russia would prop up Athens with cash in its fight with EU creditors. “The Greek side did not ask us for help,” he said… (more)
