Rubio to Newsmax: Determined to Fix ‘Broken’ Immigration System

NEWSMAX: …”If we didn’t have a single illegal immigrant in the U.S., we would still have to do immigration reform because we have a legal immigration system that is broken,” [Sen. Marco Rubio] adds. “We are educating the world’s best scientists and then we are asking them to leave our country and go compete against us. These things make no sense.

“We have industries in America like agriculture that rely heavily on seasonal labor, but we don’t have a legal system for those folks to come here in a consistent way,” Rubio says. “We need immigration reform just to have a pro-growth, pro-economy immigration system.”

Rubio is among the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” senators who introduced a comprehensive immigration bill in April. It calls for increased border security, and requires illegal immigrants to pass multiple criminal background checks, pay fines, learn English, and pay taxes before getting in line for citizenship, among other reforms…



  1. A large number of American’s support immigration reform. Unfortunately the same number of Americans have lost faith in the willingness of state and federal government immigration enforcement. Why should Americans trust Rubio’s efforts when current law goes largely unenforced?

    Rubio says it’s the highly educated and temporary farm worker situation we need to fix but Americans know the vast majority of illegal immigrants fall into neither of these 2 categories, most fall into a third category and it is this third category which is competing for American jobs.

    EDITOR: The payments from these younger immigrants and their numerous offsprings will make it possible for the older generations to receive their social security benefits.

  2. The editorial comment implies a “Ponzi scheme” situation.

    The ratio of employees to those drawing benefits is now less than 3:1. This means a large increase in workers (tens of millions) will be needed to fund promised benefits doing jobs that for the most part are low paying further adding to the “tens of millions” number. It is not sustainable.

    The only alternatives are SS tax increases and means testing. The socialist gravy train is not sustainable as we have seen in the poorer countries of Europe.

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