Rt. 30 Interchange not alone in being refused funding

In the story below from “CPBJ Daily”, there are close parallels to Lancaster County. Change “the company, which still cannot be identified” to High Real Estate, and “bridge over Interstate 81 at exit 29 in Southampton Township” to “the bridge over Route 30 at Harrisburg Pike” and the description perfectly fits High Real Estates’ efforts to get taxpayer funds to facilitate High’s “the Crossings” shopping center.

There is also a parallel with the statement, “The state declined, claiming there’s nothing wrong with the bridge”, in that the Rt. 30/Harrisburg Pike interchange was rebuilt less than 10 years ago with over $45 million of state taxpayer money.

CPBJ Daily

Source: Firm rejected Cumberland County site over road work

By Jim T. Ryan

…A company that rejected a logistics site with about 1,000 jobs in western Cumberland County did so because the state wouldn’t upgrade roads and a highway overpass, an economic development official said.

The company, which still cannot be identified, wanted Pennsylvania to replace a bridge over Interstate 81 at exit 29 in Southampton Township and widen the highway to meet needs for traffic increases, said Anthony Amadure, a business development specialist with the Cumberland Area Economic Development Corp.

The state declined, claiming there’s nothing wrong with the bridge and the company’s plans would not have provided capacity for traffic growth, he said…

