Rouhani Backers Gain Iran Parliamentary Seats, but Not Majority

NEW YORK TIMES: Supporters of President Hassan Rouhani of Iran have won more seats in parliamentary runoff elections, the Iranian state news media reported Saturday, but they failed to win enough of the 68 contested seats to secure a majority, limiting their ability to carry out significant political and social changes.

The gains made by the moderates and reformists were not enough to decisively alter the balance of power in Iran, the president’s supporters acknowledged. They added that political clashes between their lawmakers and conservative hard-liners were bound to increase…

Reformists and moderates are hoping that their increased influence will help Mr. Rouhani enact the modest political changes he has proposed, including fewer restraints on Internet use and more personal freedoms. Since he took office in 2013, he has faced resistance in Parliament, but even more opposition from unelected watchdog councils and the judiciary, which is dominated by conservatives… (more)



