Ron Paul: Growing US Presence in Mideast an ‘Outrage’


Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, calls proliferation of U.S. armed forces in the Middle East an “outrage,” and says he doesn’t understand why the American people tolerate the protracted military interventions. Paul also said Tuesday on MSNBC that the Obama administration’s foreign policy greatly contributes to the nation’s fiscal crisis.

“It’s an outrage, and I can’t understand why the American people are tolerating it — as a matter of fact, if you do poll them on this, about 70 percent think we ought to get out of Afghanistan,” Paul said. “Of course, my position is we shouldn’t have gone in, and we should come back from all those regions.”

Paul said President Barack Obama continues to pursue the wrong foreign policy path by trying to force the American way of life — and democracy — on countries that might not be ready for that type of change. The result is unnecessary U.S. involvement and a drain on the nation’s economy…

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EDITOR: And what happens if the Taliban take over Pakistan and control its nuclear weapons?  Any discussion of Afghanistan should at least address that issue.
