Romney: We’re Not Going to a Brokered Convention

NATIONAL REVIEW:  Mitt Romney said on Thursday there is no chance there will be a brokered Republican convention, and that he is generally pleased with the way the primary process has turned out.

Romney sat down with Fox News for what he called a “relaxed” interview—the second he has done with the network in two days. He said if Newt Gingrich were to drop out and give his delegates to Rick Santorum, it still would not affect the eventual outcome of the race.

“We’re not going to go to a brokered convention,” Romney said. “The states that remain will vote for that person, and that person will get the delegates, become the nominee.”…  (more)

EDITOR:  If Newt Gingrich remains as a candidate, it is highly questionable that Romney can achieve the necessary majority of the delegate vote on the first ballot.  Given his general unpopularity with the majority of the Republican party and unless he can strike a deal whereby Santorum becomes his vice president running mate before hand, anything can happen in an open convention including the nomination of neither of the three contenders.
