Romney Loses Ground in New State Polls

WALL STSREET JOURNAL:  …In Iowa, President Barack Obama has opened a 50% to 42% lead among likely voters in a Wall Street Journal/NBC/Marist poll, just four months after Marist found the two candidates in a dead heat.

Mr. Romney has been trying to make a serious contest of Wisconsin, home state of his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan, but the new poll found him trailing there 50% to 45%. Mr. Obama led by the same margin in Colorado—a state he won in 2008 but has been battling to hold onto this year.

The results come at a time when other recent polls have shown dimming prospects for Mr. Romney in major battleground states like Virginia and Ohio, and his campaign has struggled to regain its footing after a series of campaign setbacks and missteps…   (more)
