Romney defends tax record under pressure

FINANCIAL TIMES:  Mitt Romney has responded to intense pressure to release more details of his tax affairs by saying he has paid a tax rate of at least 13 per cent annually over the past 10 years.

It was the first time the presumptive Republican nominee had answered calls from Democrats and some Republicans to disclose his tax affairs, a routine practice for presidential candidates that was established by his father in 1967…

“I did go back and look at my taxes over the last 10 years. I never paid less than 13 per cent. I think the most recent year is 13.6 per cent or something like that. I paid taxes every single year,” Mr Romney said in an impromptu statement to reporters in South Carolina…   (more) 

EDITOR:  We surmise that this is the first step in slowly letting the public know about how little taxes he paid through tax dodges.   He hopes by doing this that when he finally releases the returns (or someone else leaks them) that they won’t hit like a lightening bolt.
