Roland Burris senate controversy

My understanding is that Roland Burris has been a public figure in Illinois for some time at fairly high levels, including attorney general.

My view is that unless Burris is deemed unqualified or there is evidence he bribed or allowed himself to be extorted by Blagojevich, the appointment should be deemed as bonafide, notwithstanding the allegations against or motives for this particular appointment being attributed to Blagojevich.

Given that the Illinois General Assembly chose not to call for a special election as I recall, Blagojevich is acting within his legal/constitutional authority on this matter, as he is with other functions he continues to perform as the Governor of the State of Illiniois.

Editor: The above is in response to a NewsLanc disagreement with the position taken by the Intelligencer Journal which opposed Roland Burris being seated by the Senate.
