RNC cuts ties to firm after voter fraud allegations

LOS ANGELES TIMES:   The Republican National Committee has abruptly cut ties to a consulting firm hired for get-out-the-vote efforts in seven presidential election swing states after Florida prosecutors launched an investigation into possible fraud in voter registration forms. 

Working through state parties, the RNC has sent more than $3.1 million this year to Strategic Allied Consulting, a company formed in June by Nathan Sproul, an Arizona voting consultant. Sproul has operated other firms that have been accused in past elections of improprieties designed to help Republican candidates, including dumping registration forms filled out by Democrats, but none of those allegations led to any criminal charges…

Strategic Allied Consulting was hired to do voter registration drives in Florida, Virginia, Colorado, North Carolina and Nevada, and had been planning get-out-the-vote drives in Ohio and Wisconsin, according to Sproul…  (more)

EDITOR:  Anyone can obtain voter registration forms at county offices, set up a table at a busy intersection, and start registering voters.  (Been there, done it.)    Often this is done by political parties in locations where they believe most registrants will be of their persuasion.   However, destruction of registrations from  the other party not only is voter fraud but unpatriotic, because it is likely that those individuals will not qualify to vote on election day. 
