Rieder: Lessons from premature Rubio coronation

USA TODAY: The premature coronation of Marco Rubio is a valuable cautionary tale for journalists and political pundits.

For weeks we’ve been told that Rubio is the guy to watch in the rollicking, fascinating Republican presidential primary. The contest was becoming a three-man race, the savants said, featuring front-runner Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Rubio, the smooth, boyish first-term senator from Florida.

After his respectable third-place finish in Iowa, the widely repeated scenario went, Rubio would finish second in New Hampshire, cementing his position as the establishment candidate, and his rivals in that “lane” would rapidly melt away… (more)


EDITOR: NewsLanc is ‘guilty ‘as charged. Although Rubio may yet be the Republican candidate, he certainly shot himself in the foot in the last debate. He seemed to panic.   Something we do not want to see in a president.




