Rick Santorum Picks Up Endorsement From Mike DeWine, Ohio Attorney General

HUFFINGTON POST:   ,,,The endorsement by the former Ohio senator is a huge coup for former Sen. Santorum (R-Pa.), who is surging in national polls and leads Romney in Ohio by a 36-29 margin, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday. Santorum and DeWine, both members of the congressional class of 1994, served together in the U.S. Senate and both lost re-election in 2006 in a Democratic wave.

“For some time now, it has been clear to me that Rick Santorum should be the Republican nominee for President,” DeWine said in a statement from the Santorum campaign. “To be frank, I’ve had some sleepless nights. I could not, in good conscience, be on record endorsing Governor Romney when I knew in my heart that Rick Santorum was the better candidate.”….

“You have to give the American people a reason to vote for you — a reason to hope — a reason to believe that under your leadership, America will be better,” he said. “Rick Santorum has done that. Sadly, Governor Romney has not.” …  (more)
