Rick Santorum: Obama’s Apology For Quran Burning ‘Shows Weakness’

HUFFINGTON POST: Republican presidential contender Rick Santorum accused President Barack Obama of “weakness” on Sunday for apologizing to the Islamic world over the U.S. military’s recent burning of Qurans in Afghanistan.

The destruction of copies of the Muslim holy book has outraged much of the international Islamic community, and Obama apologized for what the American government has described as the inadvertent disposal of Qurans in a fire. Santorum’s latest rhetorical attack on the president follows his recent questioning of Obama’s religion, in which Santorum claimed Obama subscribes to a “phony theology.”

During a Sunday appearance on ABC News, Santorum said that Obama should not have apologized for the holy book destruction because the U.S. military had only accidentally burned Qurans. Santorum then added that Obama’s apology, rather than the actual burning of Qurans, was hurting both the image of America abroad and the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan… (more)

EDITOR: We unintentionally do something that greatly  offends other people’s religious sensibility and it is weakness to say we are sorry about the incident?   He thinks it would be better to allow the situation to gain momentum and cost the lives of still more American personnel?
