Rick Perry Was On ‘Sufficient Dosages’ Of Painkillers During Debates, E-Book Claims

HUFFINGTON POST:  ….Though Perry’s camp has denied what they’ve called the “irresponsible, unsourced and unfounded ‘reporting'” in the e-book, the governor’s medical history over that period is well-documented. He underwent spinal surgery in the summer of 2011 to correct what his aides had characterized as chronic back problems. His treatment for the ailment included experimental stem cell therapy.

While Perry had downplayed the size and scope of the injury and subsequent medical procedures, some had speculated that his apparent discomfort on the debate stage, both in physical demeanor and mental clarity, may have been consequences of his back problems…

A month later, Perry admitted to the Des Moines Register that his back problems and resulting “fatigue” had complicated his campaign efforts….  (more)
