Reversing CNN’s fortunes proves a daunting task

USA TODAY: … For the week of Oct. 28 to Nov. 1, the Time Warner-owned network averaged 385,000 viewers – lowest since Aug. 2012 – and 95,000 coveted adults between the ages of 25 and 54. Both metrics trailed the figures put up by its primary competitors – Fox News and MSNBC…

Fox News, which has been openly critical of the Affordable Care Act, topped the competition with its own aggressive coverage of the rollout of It drew 2.4 million viewers and 377,000 in the 25-54 group.

MSNBC, which airs with a liberal bent but has been critical of the Obama administration’s health care website, averaged 683,000 viewers and 150,000 in the 25-54 group… (more)

EDITOR: Sadly, objectivity is not valued. Viewers seek entertainment, hearing their own views and prejudices ‘vindicated.’

Moreover, those with a more serious interest in national and world affairs can find better and a variety of information on the Internet.

For example, we seldom watch “Good Morning Joe” which is non-partisan on MSNBC because they spend time with show business figures. We want our news ‘straight up.’

The article holds BBC up as an example, for CNN, but BBC does not have to attract advertisers, being fully tax payer funded. CNN does.
