Response to Gil Smart’s column in Sunday News

“Freedom and a Just Society” –  Typical misrepresentation.httpBelieve it or not – people didn’t die in the streets before the government got involved in the charity business.

It’s not the role of government.  PERIOD.

Conservatives believe in PRIVATE charity.

If the government were out of the charity business – people would have so much more money and would be able to GIVE to private charities to care for people’s needs.  (Despite the HUGE burden, Americans are still very generous)

The private entities would do with less waste and more efficiency.


1 Comment

  1. No, they wouldn’t. The same large number of people who complain that they don’t want to be forced to subsidize the health care of others would refuse to donate any money for the same purposes.

    Raw unregulated capitalism is based on “survival of the fittest”, pure and simple Darwinism.

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