Resigning Penn State trustee Al Clemens says firing Joe Paterno is a decision he regrets

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: …“We had little advance notice or opportunity to discuss and consider the complex issues we faced” at that hastily called meeting, [ Al Clemens] said.

“After 61 years of exemplary service, Coach Paterno was given no chance to respond. That was a mistake. I will always regret that my name is attached to that rush to injustice.”

He also sees the university’s hiring of Louis Freeh and “tacit acceptance of his questionable conclusions” about Penn State leaders’ handling of the child molestation allegations against Jerry Sandusky as yet another mistake… (more)

EDITOR: All of the above was the doings of Gov. Tom Corbett and his cat paws. The purpose was to distract attention from Corbetts “slow walk” investigation while he was receiving half a million dollars in campaign contributions from associates of Sandusky. Penn State owes Joe Paterno a formal apology and symbolic re-instatement.
