Republicans unveil ‘Pledge to America’

FINANCIAL TIMES:  Republican lawmakers seeking take back the House of Representatives in November are promising that tax cuts and a sharp cutback in government spending will revive the slumping US economy as part of their new “Pledge to America”.

The proposed agenda is due to be formally unveiled on Thursday as Republicans seek to counter accusations by Democrats that they represent the party of “no”. The move is meant to emulate Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America”, a series of pledges set out by the GOP in 1994 when it took control of the House after decades of Democratic control.

A final draft of the 21-page document, which was obtained by the Financial Times, centred on promises to make job creation the “first and most urgent domestic priority”…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. I followed the link you provided to the Financial Times article on the Republican’s “Pledge to America”, but all I saw on the webpage was a message reading: “ articles are only available to registered users and subscribers.”

    A good summary of the “Pledge to America” can be found on National Public Radio’s website:

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