Republican Party isn’t the enemy

USA TODAY Column:… The modern conservative movement and the Republican Party have never been synonymous. But the animosity between the two has never been more self-destructive than it is today….

Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan are the Founding Fathers of today’s conservative movement. But many have wondered aloud whether these two icons could even be elected in today’s hostile environment. One only has to consider Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican” to realize that the former president’s admonishments go unheeded by today’s conservatives…

For over 30 years as a political consultant, I’ve helped elect Republicans to offices at all levels and enthusiastically advanced the cause of many national groups espousing conservative issues. Smaller government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, and greater individual freedom — all these tenets sound like the battle cry for the Tea Party when in fact they’ve stood as the modern Republican Party creed for decades. What has changed over the past several years is the assertion that if you aren’t 100% pure on the entire conservative agenda, you must be removed from office. Never mind that if you defeat an “impure” conservative or, heaven forbid, a moderate Republican, what you get in return is a liberal or progressive Democrat. President Reagan knew thiswhen observed that “The person who agrees with you 80% of the time is a friend and ally, not a 20% traitor.” Standing on principle as you shoot yourself in the foot should provide a learning moment all political operatives, regardless of their political beliefs… (more)
