Republican Party begins election review to find out what went wrong


…Tuesday’s results, along with national and state-level exit polls, illustrated the depth of the GOP’s challenges and its growing weaknesses among crucial constituencies, such as Hispanics and women.

Many Hispanics were turned off by tough talk on immigration from Romney during the primary campaign, while Democrats think their candidates benefited from Republican policies on women’s health issues and verbal miscues on rape.

Underscoring the thoroughness of the GOP defeat, a Florida exit poll showed that Cuban Americans went for Obama by 49 percent to 47 percent — a watershed moment for a group that has been solidly Republican for a generation …

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1 Comment

  1. The comments at the end of the article are great. But the truth of the matter is right in the article itself.

    ” Party officials said the review is aimed at studying their tactics and message, not at changing the philosophical underpinnings of the party. ”

    No mention of compromise or common goals, just how can we sucker the public into voting for our agenda.

    Republicans – try leadership, that might work.

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