Report: Nothing Has Changed at VA a Year After Scandal

NEWSMAX: A year after Americans recoiled at new revelations that sick veterans were getting sicker while languishing on waiting lists — and months after the Department of Veterans Affairs instituted major reforms — government data shows that the number of patients facing long waits at VA facilities has not dropped at all.

No one expected that the VA mess could be fixed overnight. But The Associated Press has found that since the summer, the number of medical appointments delayed 30 to 90 days has largely stayed flat. The number of appointments that take longer than 90 days to complete has nearly doubled.

Nearly 894,000 appointments completed at VA medical facilities from Aug. 1 to Feb. 28 failed to meet the health system’s timeliness goal, which calls for patients to be seen within 30 days… (more)


1 Comment

  1. I’m a veteran of the Navy from the Reagan era. We were told to never expect anything from the VA. And truly I don’t want anything from them but they should be taking care of combat wounded, those injured on active duty with real and disabling conditions, then retirees.

    Everyone else get in line at the bottom of the list along with all of the Cold War veterans who had the Newt Gingrich Congress treat veterans like trash.

    Of course what would you expect from those draft dodgers running the GOP?

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