Rep. Peter King: ‘Isolationist’ Republicans Won’t Beat Hillary Clinton

NEWSMAX: …”I think [Hillary Clinton is] very strong on foreign policy, and I think that if we nominate someone from our isolationist wing of the party, she’ll destroy them,” the New York lawmaker told ABC News, referring to two potential Republican contenders, Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Ted Cruz of Texas.

King has been discussing his own presidential ambitions and comparing them to his boxing skills, saying he is “going to be feeling out the opponents the first two rounds, throwing jabs and jabs and when they’re not looking, right cross and it’s all over.” …

“It bothers me when the leading Republicans out there, someone like Rand Paul, seem more concerned about an American being killed in Starbucks by a CIA drone than he is about Islamic terrorism,” said King, who is now serving his 11th term in office… (more)
