Renewable energy can power the world

By Kevin Zeese

No doubt the oil, coal and nuclear profiteers will push back on this, but this is reality — renewables could provide 80% of the world’s power by mid-century (frankly, that is probably conservative in time and quantity of energy but that is what you get when you bring lots of countries together).  They are not the first to say it, but they are the most authoritative.  Carbon-free/Nuclear-free energy economy is very possible but it will take political leadership, which we are currently lacking in the United States because of the political and media power of the status quo carbon/nuclear energy sources.  I wish Obama would lead and not follow the nuclear energy salesman who have donated to his political career from the beginning, but I realize that is probably unrealistic.  Every penny spent on nuclear is a wasted penny.


A good article summarizing the report

The report is on this website
