Rendell to order halt to gas wells on state forests

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE:  Gov. Ed Rendell plans a moratorium on further leasing of state forest land for natural gas drilling after losing a grueling battle to enact a Marcellus Shale tax and watching Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett — who opposes a tax — take in campaign cash from natural gas companies…

However, a future moratorium wouldn’t stop natural gas drilling planned for 700,000 acres of state forest land located in the vast areas of Marcellus Shale — land that has already been leased to private companies. There have been two lease sales since 2008, bringing in a total of $296 million for the state’s Oil and Gas Fund.

He criticized legislators for taking large campaign contributions from the shale drillers, claiming there is “no question” that those donations have led to the Legislature’s reluctance to enact a shale tax. …  (more)
